Systems Engineering and Acquisition
Systems Engineering
We bring rigor to the management of system acquisitions from initial concept to system retirement through the effective application of the systems engineering principles and discipline. Our objective is to assist our customers in delivering systems and capabilities that satisfy their mission requirements cost-effectively.
Operations Analysis
We apply the power of operations analysis or operations research principles and techniques to the system acquisition and systems engineering processes of our customers and to the field operations of their systems. Our objective is to assist our customers in delivering cost-effective systems capabilities and to insure and improve the performance of their systems in the field.
Operational Test and Evaluation
We provide our customers a core competency in operational testing and evaluation – the process of testing a new system in realistic, operational conditions for the purpose of evaluating their effectiveness, suitability, and survivability while executing the intended mission. This critical final gate in the system acquisition process insures that our customers receive the capabilities that are intended and that they enhance their mission effectiveness.